Class name: Zumba Class for Adults by Ally
Class limit
: 24
: Both Men and Women are very welcome
2:50pm - 3:40pm
Big Gym/Small Gym


1. dress comfortably (beautiful outfit are more than welcome, it is time for you to feel good!)
2. Shoes: sneaker with flat bottom (less grip).
3. Bring a bottle of water

Class Description:

Zumba takes the fitness world by storm, it is a FUN way to work out. Here is a link of Zumba intro -- or official home -- The class will follow the Zumba successful formula MC2 - Music/CoreSteps/Choreography, i.e. Fun music, Easy-to-follow dance/aerobic Cores steps and Simple Choreography for everyone. Every class feels like a party, get your body consistently moving with trendy music, sweat big time, feel good, express yourself and have fun! It is so fun that you even don't feel you are exercising! You don't need skill, rhythm, or coordination. It's very accessible. Just show up, move with the music and the lead, the rest will come to you! The rules are simple.. there is NO wrong way to dance, smile, and ALWAYS have fun!! Maybe the one requirement for you is to open your heart and be playful :-), it is a great way to help you loose up!

Class Instructor: Ally Li

Ally is an advocate of healthy living. She has danced almost all her life​ and ha​s been practic​ing yoga for ​18 ​years​. Ally started teaching yoga 9 years​ ago.​ ​She is a certified Zumba instructor​ in Yoga Alliance (the most credible Yoga instructor organization in North America)​​. Currently she is a fitness instructor (Yoga and Zumba) in TakeCareHealth​​ which is the leading provider of workplace fitness program.

Zumba brings her passion of dance exercise, choreographing and music together.​ Ally ​creates (and adjusts)​ choreography workable and fun for everyone​. She is excited to move, to sweat and to enjoy the heat and beat together with you! Come to enjoy Zumba!​

Ally find that Yoga and Zumba together is a perfect exercise regime. Zumba helps a person to loosen up, to feel happy and high in a serious workout. Yoga calms down one's body & mind to build the inner peace and strength. They bring two very different aspects to life: moving vs. stay​ing​ still (both physically and mentally). Her new line is \"Sweat out in Zumba and Stretch out in Yoga!\" :-)

In <3 years, Ally created Zumba-mania in ACLS, the class was so successful that helped to generate huge amount interest of fun dance exercise among parents in the school community and helped ACLS to expand its fitness program- adding new classes and teachers. It has been the ​4th year since she first introduced ​Zumba in ACLS. ​​Serving the community is a great satisfaction for her.