Class name: Chinese Children’s Choir 
Class limit: 16 
Restrictions: Age 4 and up
Tuition: $175 per semester 
Time: 3:45-4:45pm

Class Description:




Instructor: Jue Wang

Jue Wang is a pianist and composer based in the Boston area. She is the founder and the artistic director of It’ s a Secret Performance – an artistic collective that works on immersive music theater performances with multi-media settings. As a new resident in Sudbury, MA, she is selected as the artistic director for the Chinese New Year Celebration Gala in 2023, in which, she is also the director for the Children’s Choir. She holds a Ph.D. degree in music from New York University and a Bachelor’s degree from Oberlin Conservatory. 

Jue’s academic research focuses on experimental music theater performances with children. Her academic research examines children’s relationship to abstract sonic and physical materials in experimental musical works. She seeks more opportunities to bring young performers and young audiences into the realm of experimental music. 

A review by Cleveland Classical described Jue as “having a sensitive ear and original voice ... surely someone we will be hearing much about in the future”. She is the winner of may rewards, including being the winner of Gulbenkian Orchestra Composition Competition in Lisbon (2022); winner of the competition for operas at the Center for Contemporary opera (2012); winner of Composition Competition for Orchestral works at Oberlin Conservatory (2011), etc. Jue has been honored with performances of her music throughout China, United States and Europe by orchestras and ensembles including Gulbenkian Orchestra, Jack Quartet, Tak ensemble, Talea ensemble, Momenta Quartet, Loadbang Ensemble, TAK Ensemble, Orchestra of the League of Composers, Krulik Quartet. Important festivals and residencies that Jue participated and performed in include ABA Festival (2019, Italy), FETA Language Festival (2019, USA), Delian Academy for New Music (2019, Greece), Darmstadt Summer Festival (2018, Germany), Aix-en Provence Opera Festival (2017 France), Echoflux (2017, The Czech Republic), Festival Mixtur (2016, Spain), Shanghai Spring Festival (2014, China), Ostrava Festival (2013, The Czech Republic), Banff Art Residency (2010, Canada), Fontainebleau Music Festival ( 2009, France) and Brevard Music Festival (2008, USA).

王珏是活跃于美国,中国和欧洲各国舞台上的驻美作曲家。她被克利夫兰古典音乐频道评论为“一位拥有敏感的耳朵,独特的声音的 作曲家。她无可置疑会是我们的关注的明日之星”。1997年毕业于上海音乐学院附中,王珏被奥伯林音乐学院以全额奖学金录取,2013 年以全优生的成绩拿到本科学位后成为当年纽约大学唯一录取的硕博连读作曲系学生,并由MacCracken奖学金全额赞助。2020年获取音乐系博士学位(PhD)。她的学术研究课题包括儿童对抽象音乐和美学的反应,东方对比宗教哲学和舞台戏剧音乐。做为麻省萨德伯里的新居民,王珏被选为2023年萨德伯里春节联欢晚会的节目总指,并在晚会上负责指导儿童合唱团。

她的音乐戏剧作品已得到多个机构的认可。2022年受邀前往葡萄牙里斯本与Gulbenkian古本江交响乐队合作声乐与交响乐作品《我是无关紧要的人!你是谁?》。2010年所作的东方哲思歌剧《书生,和尚,蛇》被美国现代歌剧中心选中,成为此音乐公司历史上邀请过的年龄最小的作曲家。2012年所作的交响乐《元春》(为红楼梦交响曲系列之一)被奥柏林交响乐队选中并演出 。其他合作过的乐队和乐团包括Jack Quartet 弦乐四重奏组, Orchestra of the League of Composers 室内乐交响乐团, Talea 室内乐团, Momenta 弦乐四重奏, Loadbang 室内乐团, Krulik 弦乐四重奏组,TAK 室内乐团等等. 她参加并演出过的重要音乐节包括上海之春国际艺术节(中国),Aix-en-Provence 歌剧音乐节(法国),BABA音乐节 (意大利),FETA语言艺术音乐节(美国),Delian Academy for New Music (希腊), Echoflux 2017 (捷克),Festival Mixtur (西班牙),Ostrava Festival (捷克),Fontainebleau Music Academy (法国), Brevard Music Center (美国), Darmstadts Summer Festival (德国), Ostrava Festival(捷克), 和 Banff Art Residency (加拿大)等.  2017年受布拉格多媒体艺术节Echoflux Festival邀请,担任此音乐节评委。2014年开创了一个名叫《这是个秘密》的戏剧音乐团队,当任艺术总监,此团队专注于多媒体设置的浸沒式表演。