Class name: Chinese Instrument Pipa- Chinese Lute/Guitar
Class limit: 6
: Ages 8 and up, adults
3:45pm - 4:45pm

Class Description:


Instructor: Lucy Lu

Ms. Lu was graduated from the Gansu Art School in Lanzhou, China. She was the recipient of the Chinese Young Artists Award for her Pipa solo. She studied with celebrated Pipa soloist Liu Dehai and she taught Pipa at the Gansu Art School for many years after she graduated. Lucy has been actively involved in teaching and Chinese music performance in the greater Boston area since 1999.

Lucy was also a committee member of the Chinese Traditional Musical Association in Gansu Province of China. When She moved to the United States in 1990 and ever since then has become an active Pipa soloist in many major performances in the big Boston area with other musicians from China. Lucy has been teaching Pipa at Acton Chinese School since 2005 and many of her students have been recognized and won the awards and prizes from the Foundation for Chinese performing Arts and competitions.

Currently she is founder of the Boston Chinese Musicians Association of BCMA. In the past years, she had participated in several BCMA activities. Shi played Pipa in The Sounds of china Music from the Dream of the Red Chamber.

禄艳蓉(Lucy Lu),目前是波士顿中国音乐家协会理事会成员。 毕业于甘肃艺术学院, 留校讲师。留校后师从于琵琶大师刘德海。曾荣获中国青少年民族器乐大赛琵琶优秀奖。 自1990年来美之后,经常参加波士顿地区各种演出活动,与众多音乐人同台演出为展现优美的中国民族传统音乐。禄艳蓉为了传扬我们中国文化传统民乐,多年来在麻州地区以其丰富的教学经验传授琵琶. 她的琵琶教学颇受学生及家长的好评。她曾教授于罗威尔华人圣经教会中文学校, 现教授于艾克顿中文学校琵琶班(2005-迄今), 经她培养的学生不少人在参加波士顿和美东地区的音乐赛活动中频频获奖。禄艳蓉在波士顿中国音乐家协会排练泱泱国风-音乐会以及红楼梦全版主题歌曲音乐会中演奏琵琶。